Dorothy was born in Chicago in 1917.  She was a free spirit, long before it became fashionable. A to speak. She loved to dance, laugh and attend parties. She had a boyfriend in Chicago named Jack when she was 18....and found out he was married. It broke her heart, and Grandpa send her to Uncle Ed in Detroit to mend. They introduced her to Irving Lacritz who was a pharmacist   She married him in 1937 when she was 20 on the rebound from her boyfriend in Chicago. 2 years later in what was told to be a "loveless" marriage, she meet Herbie Talberg. She divorced Irving, and married Herbie in 1939. They stayed together until 1958 when he died of a heart attack.

She then opened up a hairdressing salon with the money herb left her in a strip mall in Detroit. There she met Bob Brasch, who had a flower shop in the mall.  She married him shortly thereafter.   He had 2 daughters from a previous wife who was invalid thru out their marriage and died young. He had a black mistress thru out that 1st marriage, that Dorothy was unaware of.   One day, his son-in-law caught him with the mistress, and told Dorothy. And that was that...year 1965.  She had given him the money from her business and her house, and this incident left her with nothing.

She left Detroit, and came to live with the Salnitsky's for a couple of years. She had learned to be a manicurist, and started work in a barber shop on Rush St. and moved down there to Elm Street in 1967. Joe Ernst used to come into the shop, and they began a relationship that ending in marriage in 1968. They lived in Mexico, then Larado, Texas, then California, where she died there in 1986, and Joe survived her, eventually marrying his 1st wife again.

Anyone who knew her, knew she didn't take crap from anyone...salty but lovable and, generous. Never afraid to speak her mind about anything. This was Dorothy.

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